RWBY (pronounced "Ruby") is an anime-styled American CG-animated web-series created by the Rooster Teeth Productions' animation studio.[1][2][3] The series is created and directed by animator Monty Oum. Episodes are released every Thursday on Rooster Teeth's website and simulcasted on Crunchyroll. One week after release they are also uploaded to YouTube. The first episode of RWBY premiered on July 5, 2013 at RTX 2013 and was released on the Rooster Teeth site on July 18, 2013
RWBY (pronounced "Ruby") is a team of students at Beacon Academy, which is comprised of the main characters: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. The first battle with the four members fighting together takes place in Players and Pieces, though it is before the team's official formation. The team was later formed in the same episode. During initiation, the team brought back the White Knight pieces.
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